Its geographic, demographic and natural characteristics make Aysén Patagonia an ideal destination.
Located about 55 kilometers from the town of Cochrane (330 kilometers from the regional capital; Coyhaique), is one of the most accessible glaciers for people in the Aysén region, as the millennial ice that descends the western slope of Mount San Lorenzo is reachable with a medium level hike that makes it suitable for the entire family.
The Calluqueo Glacier, an enormous and beautiful mass of millenary ice, descends to a beautiful silver-colored lagoon, due to the sediments carried by its waters from above.
Once there, you will be amazed by the scenery. You will be surprised with its lake, forests full of life and native flora and fauna. You will find species such as lenga (Nothofagus pumilio), ñirre (Nothofagus antarctica), cypress (Pilgerodendron uviferum) and coigüe (Nothofagus dombeyi); and fauna, where the huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus), declared a symbol of the municipality of Cochrane; guanaco (Lama guanicoe); rhea (Rhea pennata); red fox (Pseudalopex culpaeus); puma (Felis concolor), and birds such as condors (Vultur gryphus), falcons (Falco), eagles (Geranoaetus melanoleucus australis), thrush (Turdus falcklandii magellanicus), tero (Vanellus chilensis fretensis), and caiquén (Chloephaga picta picta), among others.
Crossing by boat or walking along the edge of the lake
After crossing the forest you reach the shore of the lake. Here, there are two options to approach the glacier: the first is to cross by boat (which must be booked in advance), which takes half an hour of sailing, or you could walk along the edge of the lake on either side.
However, if you are not fully prepared to cross on foot, this second option is not recommended, as it is a complicated path in which you will have to cross several rivers with a substantial flow of water, and it will take at least a couple of hours each way.
How to get there
From Cochrane take Route 7 (Carretera Austral) south toward the town of Caleta Tortel. After riding about 4 km from Cochrane you will reach a fork in the road. Here, take the detour to the east ( leftside of the road) in the direction of San Lorenzo (there is a sign marking the way), going along the eastern shore of Laguna Esmeralda and through a gorgeous Patagonian landscape.
After about 32 km more, crossing through the valley of the El Salto River, you will reach a second detour. Take the road that continues south (to the right) along the eastern shore of Laguna Confluencia. After traveling about 14 km you will reach the Laguna Calluqueo sector, where you can see the glacier to the east and you can park your vehicle on the side of the road.