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# Article Title
1 Conserva Puchegüín: Protection with local and global impact
2 Scientists from 18 countries call for protecting kelp forests in Latin America
3 Humpback whale found dead near salmon farm inside Laguna San Rafael National Park
4 Environmental protest in Chile to free Paul Watson
5 Chile Chico mayor's proposal for waste from the Lake General Carrera watershed: Burn (almost) all of it
6 Investigation reveals destructive fishing and aquaculture industry operations against marine mammals
7 Sewage at Puerto Guadal: Foul odors and contamination of Lake General Carrera
8 The Cerro Bayo mine: Who will pay the environmental bill?
9 Transdisciplinary perspectives to understand fire ecology
10 New Cochamó Valley nature sanctuary officially declared
11 Somos Cuenca 2023 Festival called success
12 Whale deaths continue in salmon farming areas of Chilean Patagonia
13 Study: Researchers estimate how many Chilean dolphins are left
14 Corporacion Alerce declaration on proposed road through Alerce Costero National Park
15 Interview: Dams, roads, oil, and deforestation in the Amazon rainforest
16 Who's responsible for the loss of the last southern right whales in Chile?
17 Meeting in Puerto Natales calls for greater protection of huemul
18 Study warns sharp decline in Antarctic krill by 2100
19 Futaleufú on the path to becoming Chile's first protected river
20 Boric accepts donation from Tompkins to create new national park in Magallanes
21 Study determines what caused mass fish die-off at the Comau Fjord in 2021
22 Biologist warns of malaria spread in sub-Antarctic birds
23 Cochamo declared nature sanctuary
24 Aysen environmental groups call for creating a development corporation
25 The Futaleufú River: An advance toward new protection status
26 Peninsula Mitre protected in Tierra del Fuego
27 "Defending my home": Interview with Rocío González, director of Futaleufú Riverkeeper
28 Management plan readied for beaver eradication in Patagonia
29 Trash dump found in the pristine White Channel of Magallanes
30 Aysen organizations denounce mega real estate projects in Patagonia
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