The advantages of Spey casting

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This way of fly fishing began to be used in the 1800s by Atlantic Salmon fly fishermen in Scotland in the river that gives the name to these rods. Nowadays, Spey casting is used by few fishermen, but the number of people that is beginning to discover its advantages is growing. 

I believe that a complete fly fisherman must learn every technique that this discipline offers.

Why learn Spey casting? First, you are able to cover a lot more water. Second, you don’t need to make a backcast, this is a considerable help when you are fishing low cut banks with some bushes behind, or high cut banks, or simply when you fish with a forest behind. Finally, and no less important, many or most Spey casters get generally much less fatigue.

To understand the Spey techniques you must change some erroneous concepts,  including: spey is not a rod, rather its a type of casting.  Thats a huge point to consider. Another key concept: “All spey rods are two-handed rods, but not all two-handed rods are spey rods,” says expert fly caster Steve Rajeff. As important as it is to understand that Spey is casting, as well one must understand that these rods have a special construction that can differentiate them from other two-handed rods.
There are several different lengths, weights and actions that make each model a different choice depending upon your specific needs. Below is a complete list of brands and specifications.

Brand                         Model                       Weight       Length        Estimated Cost    Website 

Abel                         Spey                          9               14′                 US$495  

Diamondback            SSR31389                   8/9            13′                 US$395  

G. Loomis                 FR165889                   8/9            13′ 9″              US$420 

Lamiglas                   ST 12989                    8/9            12′ 9″              US$450 

Orvis                        1368/9-3                     8/9            13′ 6″              US$350 

Redington                 HRS31408                   8               14′                 US$350 

Sage                        FLI8140-4                    8               14′                 US$425 

Scott                        LS21408/4                   8               14′                 US$595 

St. Croix                   IF1308                        7/8            13′                 US$260   

Temple Fork              TF091404                    9              14′                 US$250    

Thomas & Thomas     DH1309-3                    9               13′                 US$780   

Winston                    Boron IIX                    8/9            13/14              US$795  

I urge all fly fishermen that have not tried Spey casting before, to learn this classic, old and effective way to fly fish wide rivers for salmon or trophy migratory trout. This is a great method for fishing big fish. For sure, many of you think dry fly fishing is the top method, for me it was that way too, but after learning more about Spey you will open up to new possibilities. Definitely, Spey casting makes big fishing more interesting.

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