I believe that a complete fly fisherman must learn every technique that this discipline offers.
Why learn Spey casting? First, you are able to cover a lot more water. Second, you don’t need to make a backcast, this is a considerable help when you are fishing low cut banks with some bushes behind, or high cut banks, or simply when you fish with a forest behind. Finally, and no less important, many or most Spey casters get generally much less fatigue.
To understand the Spey techniques you must change some erroneous concepts, including: spey is not a rod, rather its a type of casting. Thats a huge point to consider. Another key concept: “All spey rods are two-handed rods, but not all two-handed rods are spey rods,” says expert fly caster Steve Rajeff. As important as it is to understand that Spey is casting, as well one must understand that these rods have a special construction that can differentiate them from other two-handed rods.
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