Patagon Journal at Fly Fishing Show 2014

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Just as we did last year, early next year Patagon Journal will paricipate in the Fly Fishing Show in the United States.

The Fly Fishing Show is considered the world’s largest fly fishing event. Co-director Ben Furimsky told Patagon Journal it continues to grow.  "The shows bring in a huge number of new fly fishers each year, and many of the attendees return every year. Exhibitors include, but are not limited to, manufacturers, retail shops, lodges, guide services, booking agents, fly tiers, and artists." (Click here to see our interview last year with Furimsky),  
For those who attend their events in 2014, in some of their locations the Fly Fishing Show door prize drawing will also include free subscriptions to Patagon Journal.

Furimsky tells us that the magazine definitely picked up new supporters (we hope)
at last year's event. “I overhead some good reports on your magazine from the customers," he said. "Many industry folks grabbed a copy as well."

The 2014 dates and locations are essentially the same as last year, see the flyer below for more info:




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