Redefining Kayaking and Covid-19
This edition of Patagon Journal arrives during the worst public health crisis the world has witnessed in over a century. And Chile has been affected more than most, currently sitting in the global top 10 of countries for overall number of Covid-19 cases. At Patagon Journal, we’re determined to push forward and be a part of building a new future that ensures health and human dignity while respecting and conserving wild places in Patagonia and around the planet. Consider subscribing to the magazine to receive both the print and digital versions of every edition direct to your home and email inbox. At the same time, you will be providing much needed support for independent journalism during the challenging times ahead.

The Serrasolses Brothers: Redefining Kayaking
Spain’s Gerd and Aniol Serrasolses are brothers and each in their own right are world champion kayakers that are redefining their sport. Nancy Moore interviews them from their new homes in Futaleufu for the cover story.

Luis Sepulveda
The Covid-19 pandemic is taking the lives of way too many good people; we pay special tribute to the great Chilean writer Luis Sepulveda, who died of the coronavirus in April and was one of the most important writers ever for the Patagonia region.

The Heights of La Paz
Camilo Novoa reports on visiting Bolivia’s vibrant capital city high in the Andes and it’s amazing mountaineering opportunities nearby.

Patagonia's Threatened Peatlands
A valuable ecosystem and major ally in mitigating climate change is in need of greater protection.

The Untapped Backcountry Skiing at Cerro Castillo
For those in the know, the mountains of Aysen's Cerro Castillo host some of the best backcountry skiing anywhere.
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