
Corporacion Alerce launches new infographic about world's second-oldest tree

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Restoring the Darwin's rhea to the Patagonian steppe

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Photo: Tompkins ConservationPhoto: Tompkins Conservation
By Caterinna del Río Giovannini

It is easy to misinterpret the conservation status of the Darwin’s rhea (Rhea pennata), a species that inhabits the wide and extensive Patagonian steppe of southern Chile and Argentina.


The San Pedro River and the sacred basin

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Kayakers at Salto La Leona, Fuy River. Photo: Salomé CandelaKayakers at Salto La Leona, Fuy River. Photo: Salomé Candela 
By Paulo Urrutia
Translated by Andy Ford
Our perception of reality is nothing more than the way in which we have constructed different kinds of lenses for observing it, based on experience with our environment. In order to understand what Río Sagrado (Sacred River) meant, we must be willing to change some of its pieces. It was a 7-day kayak expedition of 200 kilometers that lead us to the heart of Mapuche territory.

Somos Cuenca: bringing people together to restore and protect rivers

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 Valle Colorado. Photo: Ximena SalazarValle Colorado. Photo: Ximena Salazar
By Paula Fernández
Translation by Patrick Nixon
The Maipo River Basin is probably one of the most productive in Chile and has for centuries been bearing the weight of human activity. It has become the main water source for Santiago, the capital and population hub of the country. Perhaps then it is no coincidence that this is precisely where the Bestias del Sur Salvaje (Beasts of the Wild South) collective has chosen to develop the first stage of its project "Somos Cuenca" (We are a River Basin), a collaborative network that seeks to connect and support the different river basin conservation projects in Chile.

Protecting the Cuervo River basin

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Photo: Fundación KreenPhoto: Fundación Kreen 

By Patricio Segura
Translation by George Chambers
During these tumultuous times, as the urge to step up the extraction of the Earth’s natural resources underpins government plans to revive the economy, it is refreshing to hear some positive news. A new protected area will be created, an important move given that the global climate crisis and the deterioration of local ecosystems is the result of mankind’s unbridled interference in nature. Such is the extent of our impact on nature, we ourselves seem to have become subordinates to an artificial way of life. When faced with the choice of whether or not to intervene in nature, we should always think first of not making an impact. Minimizing our impact on nature is precisely what nature-based solutions seek to avoid.
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