Senderos Patagonia - Villa Cerro Castillo, Chile

Editors » 5pm - November 1, 2012
Telefono: +56 9 6224 4725 Correo electrónico: Sobre: Horse Tours, Trekking and Camping in Patagonia, Chile Cabalgatas, Trekking y Camping en Patagonia, Chile Descripción: Senderos Patagonia offers a multitude of services within the Region of Aysen, Chile. With our home base in Villa Cerro Castillo alongside the Southern Highway, our tours are only an hour from Coyhaique and your perfect place to begin exploring Patagonia. Senderos Patagonia ofrece un multitud de servicios dentro el region de Aysen. Con un base en Villa Cerro Castillo al lado de la Carretera Austral, nuestra compania esta solo una hora de Coyhaique y su lugar perfecto para comencar exploracion de la Patagonia. We specialize in horseback trips and backpacking in and around the town of Villa Cerro Castillo, Puerto Rio Tranquilo and Puerto Ibanez. Our guides have the abillity to coordinate all of your logistics for an extended trip of multi-activities throughout the area. Nos especializamos en cabalgatas y trekking acerca de Cerro Castillo, Puerto Ibanez y Puerto Rio Tranquilo. Nuestros guias tienen la capacidad a coordinar todos sus logisticos para un viaje largo de multi-actividades dentro la area. Senderos Patagonia also offers camping within our property alongside the confluence of Rio Ibanez and the Estero Bosque with fantastic views of Cerro Castillo. Our services include great places to relax with an area outside for cooking, hot showers, WIFI, and a short walking distance to the mini markets and restaurants in town. Senderos Patagonia tambien ofrece camping dentro de nuestro terreno al lado de la confluencia del Rio Ibanez y el Estero Bosque con vistas maravillosas del Cerro Castillo. Nuestros servicios incluye lugares geniales para descansar con una fogata para cocinar, duchas con agua caliente, WIFI y proximos al negocios y restaurantes.
Rating: 2.8 (1332 Votes)

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