Disabled Whitewater Kayaking in Pucon, Chile

Editors » 9pm - January 6, 2014

http://www.nattycordonkayaking.com/ Sometimes life throws you a challenge.... Rise to it... I have been disabled for nearly 4 years now following an injury to my right leg. I'm now virtually unable to walk and use crutches to get around. It's hard for me to find good things that came out of my accident but whitewater kayaking is definitely one of them. When I'm in a kayak, I'm in the same situation as anybody else and am no-longer defined by my disability. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have found kayaking. The two weeks I spent kayaking in Pucon, Chile were genuinely the best two weeks of my life. I paddled some stout waterfalls, including the 70 footer on the Middle Palguin and finished the trip off by paddling against Evan Garcia, in the Palguin extreme whitewater slalom race. Thank you so much to Meg, Matt, Tony, Andy, James, Lill' James, Jenny, Steve and Kasia for being such an awesome team and for helping me out where my crutches couldn't. A special thank you to Oli for providing me with the motivation not to swim and for carrying my bags halfway across the world in spite of his gnarly splinters. Thank you also to Pucon Kayak Hostel and Sergio Vidal for guiding, carrying my boat, and occasionally carrying me! ...Keep Kayaking https://twitter.com/NattyCordon

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