Two Women Walk Across South America

Editors » 3pm - January 24, 2019

We are excited to announce that hiking team have completed trekking and paddling across South America, from Patagonian Chile and Argentina all the way to Colombia. Her Odyssey is the community have come together to empower two women, Lauren Reed and Bethany Hughes, traveling the length of the Americas by non-motorized means, connecting the stories of the land and its inhabitants. 'Neon' (Lauren's trail name) is a Triple Crowner of thru-hiking (she hiked the AT, PCT, and CDT) and 'Fidgit' (Bethany's trail name) is a PCT and CT thru-hiker and various other long distance trails. They became the first people to thru-hike the Greater Patagonian Trail and also walked the entire length of the Inca Road, the Qhapaq Nan. Video by: Katie Regan Brooks FOLLOW HER ODYSSEY: Instagram - FaceBook - Twitter - JOIN HER ODYSSEY: Patreon - Adventures are grand and all but also, honestly:

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