Un pequeño café... en el fin del mundo.
Mon - Fri./Lunes-Viernes: 9:00 am - 8:30 pm
Sat:/Sabado: 10:30 am- 8:30 pmcafe
Established in 1994, La Posada de los Farios is located north of Coyhaique, Chile on a peaceful working cattle ranch overlooking the beautiful and remote Rio Cisnes (Swan River), one the finest trout fishing streams in Patagonia Chile. The fishing is prim ...
Tienda de montaña con productos para toda actividad de montaña, camping, kayak, todo tipo de escalada y trekking.marcas de calidad y tambien consultas para orientarte en la region con utiles consejos para tus salidas al aire libre! 
Naviera Austral S.A.is a company founded in July 2005 as the answer to the need of providing passenger, cargo and every type of vehicle transportation services in the macro zone that encompasses from Puerto Montt (Los Lagos Region) to Puerto Chacabuco (Ay ...
Located in the heart of Chilean Patagonia and 10 minutes away from Coyhaique, Cinco Rios Lodge opens its doors to invite you to an enjoyable, unforgettable stay. Our unique location on the banks of the Simpson River and spectacular view of the majestic Pa ...
Un referente inmobiliario mundial en ocupar tecnologías de construcción en madera. Utiliza las últimas tecnologías a nivel mundial de construcción en madera de alto desempeño y elementos estructurales prefabricados.
Patagonia Chile![]() Category: Shopping |
Hostal Puelo Libre![]() Category: Hotels and Lodging |
Miguel Torres Chile![]() Category: Shopping |
Patagonia East River![]() Category: Hotels and Lodging |
Rincón Bonito![]() Category: Hotels and Lodging |