Established in 1994, La Posada de los Farios is located north of Coyhaique, Chile on a peaceful working cattle ranch overlooking the beautiful and remote Rio Cisnes (Swan River), one the finest trout fishing streams in Patagonia Chile. The fishing is prim ...
Tienda de montaña con productos para toda actividad de montaña, camping, kayak, todo tipo de escalada y trekking.marcas de calidad y tambien consultas para orientarte en la region con utiles consejos para tus salidas al aire libre! 
Somos expertos en pesca con mosca, y tenemos una extensa experiencia y conocimiento de la Patagonia chilena. Para satisfacer las más comunes necesidades, hemos creado cuatro diferentes posibilidades de viajes de pesca, que van desde un día a una semana pe ...
Ven a disfrutar de su impresionante belleza del Río Futaleufú, de sus aguas turquesas y de la calidad de sus rápidos. Contamos con 3 secciones para el rafting en el Río Futaleufú, Pesca con mosca, Flotadas Familiares, Trekking, Canopy, Canyoning.
Somos u ...
PUMA FISHING LTDA. operates in Chilean Patagonia's fjord land region based in the Yelcho watershed which is considered by many anglers and fish biologists to be home of the largest resident Rainbows and Browns in all of the Patagonia. In addition, this ar ...
Este magnífico Lodge, ubicado solo a metros del increíble rio Puelo, tiene capacidad para 10 a 12 pescadores. Cuenta con cómodas cabañas privadas, un salón principal, el cual alberga cocina, comedor, sala de estar, siendo un agradable lugar para relajarse ...
Our way of working is our way of life: Fly-fishing. Matapiojo Anglers is a fishing operation dedicated to offering quality services to fishermen with or without experience in fly-fishing and we value the environment and contact with nature in the Chilean ...
Chile is recognized as a world-class destination for fly-fishing. We want to invite you to enjoy a superb fishing trip to Patagonia, one of the most pristine locations for anglers in Chile.
At Aysen Rivers Outfitter, we know the best rivers, streams ...
Our foremost aim is to build our lodges in the best possible locations near to the finest fishing areas. Our first location, Chucao Lodge Yelcho, is on the shore of the lake very close to where it empties into the Yelcho River. The lodge is only 45 minute ...
Rod and Gun is a business who’s mission is to offer products, destinations, and knowledge to help you fish better.
We offer a wide range of products selected from the best brands in the world, through our store in Santiago and Puerto Va ...
Tawa Refugio del Puelo![]() Categoría: Hotels and Lodging |
Patagonia East River![]() Categoría: Hotels and Lodging |
Rincón Bonito![]() Categoría: Hotels and Lodging |
Hostal Puelo Libre![]() Categoría: Hotels and Lodging |
Patagonia Chile![]() Categoría: Shopping |